Kort inledning på svenska: PDK är ett nordiskt samarbete i en internationell kontext, för översyn och utveckling av pedagogisk digital kompetens, PDK. Vi kartlägger vilka ramverk och verktyg som finns, samt utreder hur vi på bästa sätt kan stödja varandra i processen med att utveckla lärarnas pedagogiska digitala kompetens.
Let’s continue in English
Contacts: Lotta Fröjdfeldt, Mälardalens Universitet, Johani Karonen, University of Skövde
The PDK-network has participants from Sweden and Finland who are interested in collaborating on the methods, assessment tools and processes around teachers pedagogical, digital, competency. From being a small special interest group active since spring 2020, the network has evolved and developed to a subnetwork associated with ITHU holding monthly meetings to keep informing eachother about the developments in the different universitites. The members come from eleven Swedish and two Finnish institutions.
Networking parties: Borås, Södertörn, Mälardalen (3), Linköping, Karolinska institutet (2), Lund (3), Skövde (2), SLU, Sjöstridsskolan, KTH, Luleå, Väst, Jyväskyllä, Åbo. In total 20 members have signed up for the network. Contacts have been taken with European colleagues working at the Joint Research Center (EU) in Seville to collaborate in developing the DigCompEdu-framework and also some higher education institutions and consultants to try to develop further ideas.
DigCompEdu Checkin tool – Swedish version
- Swedish version of the Checkin tool (exernal site->)
- Project report from the translation and adaption project 2023 supported by UHR (Swedish council for higher education).
- PDK-cycle website (MDU) (external site->)
Plan 2024
- The network will focus on work to promote a common model that will include the PDK-cycle and the Swedish version of the DigCompEdu Checkin tool, which is a deliverable from the UHR-project 2023.