Many universities are investigating the opportunities of cloud computing for storing learning resources and sharing platforms and tools. However many are reluctant to sign major agreements with global corporations and there are fears of student data being exploited for commercial purposes. In the USA a number of universities have formed Unizin to share a common infrastructure without commercial interests.
Unizin is a University-owned consortium focused on improving teaching and learning outcomes in the evolving world of digital education. Unizin provides a digital teaching and learning platform, as well as software solutions that help Universities take greater control over their content, more effectively manage data and incorporate analytics to quickly identify and respond to educational trends.
About the webinar
In this webinar you will hear more about the Unizin solution and then a discussion about how whether this type of solution is relevant to Sweden. We have three guests with different perspectives of cloud services in higher education in the USA and Sweden. They will share their experience and discuss future opportunities.
In the webinar you will meet:

Amin Qazi is the founding Chief Executive Officer of Unizin, a University-owned consortium focused on the emerging digital teaching and learning ecosystem.
Leif Johansson, SUNET, is responsable for technology leadership and service development with particular focus on security and digital identity. Leif chairs several IETF working groups, chairs the Kantara Initiative Assurance Review Board and serves on the Board of Directors of Netnod.

Markus Schneider, Karlstad University, Sweden is chairman of ITHU (Swedish network for IT in higher education) and also works for SUNET as product manager for media services.

Alastair Creelman, e-learning specialist at Linnaeus University, Sweden will be moderator for this webinar.